Marcus' Angels

Once upon a time there were three beautiful girls that went to high school and they were each assigned very hazardous homework...but I took them away from all of that and now they pose for name is Marcus!!

Marcus' Original Angels

Candice ~as~ Sabrina Duncan "The Smart Angel" Samantha ~as~ Jill Munroe   "The Athletic Angel" Daphne ~as~ Kelly Garrett "The Sensitive Angel"
Candice Law. ~as~ Kris Munroe "The Rookie Angel" Jessica  ~as~ Tiffany Welles  "The Elegant Angel" Kellie ~as~ Julie Rogers "The Streetwise Angel"

Marcus' New Angels

Kate ~as~ "The Tender Angel" Ambuh ~as~ "The Assertive Angel" C.W. ~as~ "The Tough Angel"
Whit ~as~ "The Silent Angel" P.J. ~as~ "The Serious Angel" Shea ~as~ "The KrAzY Angel"
Kat ~as~ " The Kickin' Angel" Renee ~as~ "The Smiley Angel" Marie ~as~ "The 'Nuff Said Angel"
Shannon ~as~ "The Seductive Angel" Dolly ~as~ "The Well-Endowed Angel" Appey ~as~ "The Sexually-Frustrated Angel"
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